Saturday, July 10, 2010

So, we FIFA Paraguay fans were robbed. No whining, just totally violated.
For my family, a Paraguay semi-final game against Germany would have been bliss because it would be a win-win. Proud of Paraguay we are - a country of 6 million all told - a true underdog at FIFA and generally in the realm of the Americas.
The first time we discovered FIFA was when we first moved back to the city of Vancouver, off of the Drive a full four years ago. At the time, Italy won and our Little Italy exploded every game before they took the cup. Fans closed down the strip without city approval, including complete voluntary vehicle wreckage. Watching FIFA 2010 has been another experience of fun. Although this time around, the funeral procession was dreadfully silent early on in the tournament on the Drive as Italy was quickly silenced.
Anyway, Birdie has been taking it in to a certain extent. She's into soccer and got some footie moves going. Last time we played soccer, she did a dramatic fall with noises to imitate pain and build interest. I asked her, what was that about? She went on to explain a fractured story of how she missed the ball and someone tried to take it and so she fell like the soccer guys. Even Birdie has figured that there are some unneccesary dives in her limited and distracted viewings.
Go Nederlanders! Espana robbed us and it's time for them to be put to bed.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
je t'aime fa fa
Midway on a two week blitz of work travel, I traveled to/from Montreal. My task was to meet with the Eastern Canadian arm of our department to collaborate on a massive project undertaking. Having never been to that office location previously, and only speaking with the department via email, I was given an introductory tour. It was perfunctory while rofessional as we prepared the ground for a day of cooperation and important work. After five routine introductions, I was presented to GG. Audibly, I knew her name immediately. And to see GG, my heart flipped rapidly over and over. I said, "Yes, I know you are GG. I've known you from a long time ago." She was quickly taking in our 20 second moment and then it registered, and she uttered, "O my Got!"
It was then that we blushed fiercly.
I completed the round of introductions and immediately darted back towards her. She and I just chattered away and iunveiled important pieces of catch-up. GG and I go back to the summer of 1993. Meeting GG changed my life and hers. It was a summer of discovery and wonder - when I met GG on her turf in Saint Laurent, Quebec we became fast friends for one week solid. The summer was earmarked by exploring self-awareness which included making lifetime decisions about values and identity within spiritual beliefs. After that week of wonder and emotion, GG and I never saw one another again... until now.
Throughout the day we spoke and laughed, enjoying one another's company, sharing more niblets of information as we realized it would be something undiscovered by the other. We marvelled at the fact that after 17 years of distance, we met again working for the same employer in the same department, even.
Meeting GG left me speculating about that formative time of my life, which was when we met. Did what I held true then find itself realized to date? These ideals and beliefs that we discovered and shared at that time - was I somehow accountable to her to answer for the apparent discrepancies or changes in my life since that time? And, what was her thought of me as a result?
This meeting has stirred up a great deal of emotion in me from a long time ago - while crystallized in my memories and emotional connection, a far cry from my life as it now plays out.
As I locomote through my inner reflections of this reunion, one thing rings true... GG, je t'aime fa fa.
It was then that we blushed fiercly.
I completed the round of introductions and immediately darted back towards her. She and I just chattered away and iunveiled important pieces of catch-up. GG and I go back to the summer of 1993. Meeting GG changed my life and hers. It was a summer of discovery and wonder - when I met GG on her turf in Saint Laurent, Quebec we became fast friends for one week solid. The summer was earmarked by exploring self-awareness which included making lifetime decisions about values and identity within spiritual beliefs. After that week of wonder and emotion, GG and I never saw one another again... until now.
Throughout the day we spoke and laughed, enjoying one another's company, sharing more niblets of information as we realized it would be something undiscovered by the other. We marvelled at the fact that after 17 years of distance, we met again working for the same employer in the same department, even.
Meeting GG left me speculating about that formative time of my life, which was when we met. Did what I held true then find itself realized to date? These ideals and beliefs that we discovered and shared at that time - was I somehow accountable to her to answer for the apparent discrepancies or changes in my life since that time? And, what was her thought of me as a result?
This meeting has stirred up a great deal of emotion in me from a long time ago - while crystallized in my memories and emotional connection, a far cry from my life as it now plays out.
As I locomote through my inner reflections of this reunion, one thing rings true... GG, je t'aime fa fa.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Both take a very seriously fun and crafty look at how to do produce a great experience, if not develop character. Both take pride in who they are and that they're not much like everyone else. Both, take their time to make something really good - tossing the dregs to be a lesson learned and an effort worth exerting. Both, delightfully based in Vancouver - even stretching it to be specific to East Van. Both, when in your space are fully aware that they are stealing the show - the most reliable sidekicks - forcing your audience to give pause and consider the reason you stand out. Cheers!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
mad men

Those fellas from Sterling Cooper are back in my schedule. Mr. Don Draper and wife, Betty, are upping the relationship ante this third season, rubbing up against the the likes of Little Children and Revolutionary Road. Joanie is proving to be super-compelling even though she has simply been a fixture-of-wow until now. Peggy Olson proves to be worthy of my favourite career trajectory, defining herself in a world of Mad Men, while coming of age at the same time.
Here's my attempt at Mad Men yourself. I'm not sure the nose was the right choice although I am delighted about my ensemble. The smoke was merely for Mad Men homage purposes.
This season substantiates the depth I thought was possible when I first started with the series. All said and done, it's the carousel of corporate crazy.
I'm in.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
zoo state
Together A and I had made some definite plans to direct Birdie into a zoo state of mind. For Christmas, we bought a Lego Zoo scene (it is so fun). Then, we got her into the mindset within a month prior to our departure, that a plane trip was imminent and the Zoo was on the other side. She watched fantastic zoo cams and videos. Pre-trip the favourite, by far, was the panda cam.
You never know, is the kiddo going to want to sit in front of the panda for hours or is seeing each animal for five seconds the best its going to get. Well, our experience was pretty well a mix of each. A and I wanted to drink in the panda a bit longer than Birdie... but Birdie liked the turtles and alligator scene more than I did. Nevertheless, we did it all. Yep, the whole zany, wonderful zoo.
Delightful trail environments, replete with distinct flora and fauna from various parts of the world and as they related to the wildlife; with big open spaces including limi
ted barriers to the animal habitats, made for a distinct memory.
After the work part, we headed home, ready for a whole lotta other kind of zoo... the Olympics. Birdie and A got to see the flame hit our neighbourhood the day before the games commenced. You know, I thought the entire affair was going to be a big gong show. It wasn't. In fact, it was the best controlled party carnival, full of a whack load of really happy people and really dynamic tourists, that made my city even better. We didn't drive and it didn't matter. The place was bustling with fun and patriotism - a rare and peace-inciting feeling. On Monday, people notably felt sad, like a family after planning the big wedding. What do we do with ourselves now? It all went off without a hitch and it was really beautiful and... someone's gotta clean up.
So, the zoo of our life is the only one that remains. Phew - that's enough zany for now.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lucky me, ended up playing hookey for hockey today. I was able to swipe a box seat to the women's hockey semi-final at noon on a Monday! And seriously, it felt pretty darn fun to join in the scene...
Canada decided that due to our bombedout performance with the men on Sunday, it was only legitimate to hurrah for the Swedes. Well, the US women were indomitable. It was fierce defense and unrepentant shots on goal... that it ended up USA 9:1 Sweden. The best goal was the Swedish one though, the tipper off the stick and the Olympic joy that followed was a real tear-sweller.
A bonus effect? The ticket is good for free transit all day... worked late to make it up and hopped on with the special smile upon my face.
I think the bus driver knew, I lucked into it... and it was sweet.
Canada decided that due to our bombedout performance with the men on Sunday, it was only legitimate to hurrah for the Swedes. Well, the US women were indomitable. It was fierce defense and unrepentant shots on goal... that it ended up USA 9:1 Sweden. The best goal was the Swedish one though, the tipper off the stick and the Olympic joy that followed was a real tear-sweller.
A bonus effect? The ticket is good for free transit all day... worked late to make it up and hopped on with the special smile upon my face.
I think the bus driver knew, I lucked into it... and it was sweet.
Friday, January 22, 2010
fo real

You know those copshop shows that start with a bang and then draw you in and make you love people and hate their enemies that moves along with building conflict which wraps up all neatly in a bow? Solved! Yeah, those shows aren't for me. Give me something that's real.
Like 'Omar Little', in The Wire. This five-season series about the broken-hearted is beautiful because it's so ugly. I couldn't wait to kill 'Stringer' and find out if 'Frank Sobotka' really believed it all the way to his core. Yes, this show is unrepentant.
I've realized that if a series like The Wire or a film, like Up in the Air, leaves you hanging and going, "Yeah, that's about right", then I get really happy and recommend it to everyone that will listen. Remarkably, so few people have heard about The Wire. I guess it's a bit of a tough sell when your main character is such a SOB who all but disappears in season 2 and 3 and yet, you cheer for him because of his dysfunction. The best part is that everyone you get to know is corrupt - cops, robbers, dealers, or junkies. This is truth.
A and I rented the first season out of craving a new show. Post-no-cable, it proved to be a hit. Within a few months, we made it all the way to the end - season 5 finale and a whole lotta bodies.
Take a bite out of crime - indeed.