Tuesday, May 04, 2010



Ok, I've got to be doing something right if my favourite coffee and my favourite shoe designer collaborate. In order to celebrate John Fluevog's 40th year in business, he partnered with JJ Bean to create a new blend - Tenango. *Of course, it involves this lovely shoe feature.

Both take a very seriously fun and crafty look at how to do produce a great experience, if not develop character. Both take pride in who they are and that they're not much like everyone else. Both, take their time to make something really good - tossing the dregs to be a lesson learned and an effort worth exerting. Both, delightfully based in Vancouver - even stretching it to be specific to East Van. Both, when in your space are fully aware that they are stealing the show - the most reliable sidekicks - forcing your audience to give pause and consider the reason you stand out. Cheers!

Oooh, that's a dreamy combo! If only my wallet could keep up with my fluevog lust. At lease I can afford coffee!
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