Sunday, October 21, 2007


From the Beginning

So I went for a run today. It was a terrible run. A delicious run.

I ran in the rain, which has been the landscape for the last week, and drank in my first run post-baby delivery. Wow, that was weird, I'm starting from the beginning. Weights were added to my ankles and pieces of me were moving around off-cadence that I didn't know I had and don't want to get to know. So, I'm officially out of running shape. Okay, more like out of shape - full stop.

For some reason, I fully expected to be running regularly by now. It's been eleven weeks, right? Maybe I looked at this stage of me a little too unrealistically.

Although I must admit, now that I've done that run, I feel like I can run. Before going on today's run, I thought "I'm not running yet, so I'm not running". Since this run, it's like a switch clicked over when I picked up the pace, "Yes, I run". I'm really glad I got through that and am now in the next stage, despite the timelines.

In other news, my conversations with Birdie are now two-way. I really like the chatter that has me guessing what she has to say next. She's quite the chatty gal, sounding more like a lion cub than a gurgly baby. Often she'll lead the discussion and I'm looking to get a word in edgewise. I forsee a very full roster of discussions to come. I have occasionally thought of the Simpsons episode in which Homer's brother invents a baby interpretation machine. Finally, we get to know what Maggie's thinking! I gotta get me one of those.

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