Saturday, July 10, 2010

So, we FIFA Paraguay fans were robbed. No whining, just totally violated.
For my family, a Paraguay semi-final game against Germany would have been bliss because it would be a win-win. Proud of Paraguay we are - a country of 6 million all told - a true underdog at FIFA and generally in the realm of the Americas.
The first time we discovered FIFA was when we first moved back to the city of Vancouver, off of the Drive a full four years ago. At the time, Italy won and our Little Italy exploded every game before they took the cup. Fans closed down the strip without city approval, including complete voluntary vehicle wreckage. Watching FIFA 2010 has been another experience of fun. Although this time around, the funeral procession was dreadfully silent early on in the tournament on the Drive as Italy was quickly silenced.
Anyway, Birdie has been taking it in to a certain extent. She's into soccer and got some footie moves going. Last time we played soccer, she did a dramatic fall with noises to imitate pain and build interest. I asked her, what was that about? She went on to explain a fractured story of how she missed the ball and someone tried to take it and so she fell like the soccer guys. Even Birdie has figured that there are some unneccesary dives in her limited and distracted viewings.
Go Nederlanders! Espana robbed us and it's time for them to be put to bed.