Friday, January 22, 2010
fo real

You know those copshop shows that start with a bang and then draw you in and make you love people and hate their enemies that moves along with building conflict which wraps up all neatly in a bow? Solved! Yeah, those shows aren't for me. Give me something that's real.
Like 'Omar Little', in The Wire. This five-season series about the broken-hearted is beautiful because it's so ugly. I couldn't wait to kill 'Stringer' and find out if 'Frank Sobotka' really believed it all the way to his core. Yes, this show is unrepentant.
I've realized that if a series like The Wire or a film, like Up in the Air, leaves you hanging and going, "Yeah, that's about right", then I get really happy and recommend it to everyone that will listen. Remarkably, so few people have heard about The Wire. I guess it's a bit of a tough sell when your main character is such a SOB who all but disappears in season 2 and 3 and yet, you cheer for him because of his dysfunction. The best part is that everyone you get to know is corrupt - cops, robbers, dealers, or junkies. This is truth.
A and I rented the first season out of craving a new show. Post-no-cable, it proved to be a hit. Within a few months, we made it all the way to the end - season 5 finale and a whole lotta bodies.
Take a bite out of crime - indeed.