Saturday, August 09, 2008


long august

I cannot believe how much we've fit into August already.

Turned our long weekend trip into a bit of a milk run - stopping in Calgary Thursday eve to hang with Trev & Candice and then a work meeting for me there on Friday morning. That went great - Birdie flew alright (extra seat is always a bonus) and it came together pretty well. Friday after my meeting, we booted it from downtown in a rental and got to the airport lickety-split. In fact, everything about heading home to the Prairies (Birdie's nap, check-in, security gate and lunch at the airport) was going swimmingly... until we began to board. I searched myself, casually at first, for my wallet. Hmm, not there. Maybe in the diaper bag. Nope. Maybe at the restaurant. Nope. Maybe in the family washroom. Nope. General boarding commences and starts wrapping up when I realize it's simply not with me.

Alas, I was left in Calgary, wallet-less and without A and Birdie (on they went, reluctantly, without me). With all the stress of my life of late and the pressure to make my destination by the end of the day so as to see my dear sister off the next morning to her wedding in AFRICA, I busted up. It was kind of a strange burst - feeling really good and really embarrasing not to mention justifiable and well-earned. For those of you that don't know me, I really hate crying. I'm not a bottler, but I'm extremely reluctant to do it in public.

Westjet proved to be extremely lousy (no rants on them, just a fact you should note) and so I was left to my own wits to sort the mess out. Contacted Avis to get them rolling on the location of my wallet. Of course, the car, en route to a detailing centre nowhere near the airport. Nevertheless, they were on it (btw, I got dream service from them) and got my number to keep me posted. I had to approach that damn WJ desk again to find out, if I'm not able to get on this flight then how would I get on the next. "With ID". Yeah, thanks, didn't figure that out the first time. "How would I go about doing that?" Blahblahblah, I went to the police at the airport for actual helpful information.

K, let me know if you want me to fill you in on all the details of this crazy-whirlwind-gongshow, but for purposes of a decent post, I'll cut to the chase... Avis located my wallet (a black wallet on the black back seat of the car, where I had been taking Birdie out of her seat amidst paying the valet) and got it to me before the next flight (which I got the last available seat). All told, I was at the airport for 7 hours that day. Five of which, were completely driven by getting to Lola, Birdie and A. I must admit, after the initial emotional burst, I kept it together. I even thought so far as to get back-up ID, if in the event Avis couldn't get the physical wallet to me in time for the flight, via the Police by getting work to scan my new hire ID to them by email. Nice. I even got out of the mess of how to get to the country from the city airport at my destination since all of the rentals were booked (for the long weekend). I called my dear friend, J, who offered before I had to ask, and we drove and blabbed all the way home.

I felt pretty good about my navigation skills within the mess not to mention within my very stretched brain of late.

We were all reunited around 11:30 PM. Birdie, asleep and oblivious of course.

And, a wonderful weekend together we had. It was timely, not only for sending Lola off, but also because Birdie's first birthday was coming up. Being with my other family was rejuvinating and as usual, comforting too.

I hopped on the plane back home on Tuesday morning at 7 am. Got in at 8 am (our time) and headed straight to work. Worked in the office for a few hours and then headed back to the airport. This time, for a work trip to camp. Nuts.

I took a float plane over the mountains and landed in the bush - okay no, I landed on the water, in the bush. It was a glorious day and I got to sit in front with the pilot! I met with the project management team at the camp offices and had an excellent meeting. Then, after a decent cafeteria dinner, I worked a bit more cuz otherwise I'd be out for a walk with the really active and mischevious bears. Then I went to my room, a wee one (sparse but clean) with a satellite TV tuned to SATC and a single bed and had the best sleep since I gave birth a year ago. Must have been a mix of my complete exhaustion and the mountain air.

I had a brilliant job site tour the next morning and even saw a drill and shoot (blasting rocks) happen. It was loud. Then, I took the 'runner' down from site all the way back to the airport. In and out. What took one hour by float plane took 6 hours by giant pick-up truck/bus/taxi and car.

A and Birdie got home the next day and the day after that... it was Birdie's first birthday! WOW. Yeah, so that might have to be another post. I am so totally full of pride and emotion at the marker of one year as a mom to Birdiegirl. Tomorrow is her little party, so after that it'll all come full circle. Count on a debrief on this biggie.

Holy smokes, you're on high speed! I know how it feels to head to the airport without a wallet (it was in the backseat of your car!) but the stakes were not high in my case. Eek.

You've developed great skills with all your travelling - good job pulling yourself together under pressure.

Happy party day!
Oh Esther, what a nightmare. Reminded me of the time I landed at the Vancouver airport on my way to the U.S. for work, only to discover that my birth certificate was gone. Flight left in an hour and there was *NO WAY* U.S. Customs was going to let me into the country without it. At one point I just emptied my whole wallet and dug out a little piece of paper that had been folded about 20 times -- turned out to be a photocopy of my birth certificate.......and that, apparently, was good enough for them to let me go.

Anyway, glad to hear it worked out in the end.
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