Saturday, October 03, 2009



The fall season proves to bring a few things into focus... which I really cherish these days.

If my calculations are right, I'll have spent 11 days at home in September... all told. So, when home is extra homey, I'm really pleased. Flying home for dinner on Friday evening and then heading to the garden centre this morning was a overwhelmingly welcome switch. A and I opted to purchase trees that would grow and 'shrub' along our fence instead of changing fences. The exercise of removing unwanted old, sad growth and inserting happy, fresh trees is nothing less than therapy. For example, my sore back and dirty-hands-after-washing are really yummy experiences to this fully mental work-brain. To give some ammo to the reason why it feels so good is that we're rubbing up against one year of owning our first home. Wow, it's a fantastic reward to come full circle on this decision to purchase our home - loving our community, planting our own seeds (or bulbs) and pushing some dirt around to prove our point that we're in...

To discover the personal meaning of home is truly defining.

Sounds very therapeutic...excellent.
What kind of trees? Who would have predicted that Saturday morning at a garden centre would be just the thing?
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