Sunday, August 09, 2009
some kind of wonderful

John Hughes died on Friday. He put together my favourite movies of all time. The ones I love were typically written, produced and directed by him. He wrote loads and produced many that I enjoy over and over but my true happy filmic places are:
Pretty in Pink - because richies and wrong-side-of-the-tracks make for true teen love angst. And because of New Order and the raddest clothes ever. Most of all because Andy says "I just wanna let them know that they didn't break me."
Sixteen Candles - since being a teenage girl is really awkward and big crushes on hot older guys is excruciating and younger boys who have crushes on you are like, gag-me. Farmer Ted is the genuine article - permeating a full of potential, coming-of-age boy.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - since playing hooky is a crazy thing to do especially with an off-limits car and a hot gal named Sloan. Matthew Broderick took the camera on, inviting us to a day of ultra-cool and no consequences, especially when Mr. Rooney is on your tail with a vengence. A sidenote scene I love catching is Charlie Sheen in the cop-shop with Jennifer Grey - grumpy-pants sister and strung-out addict on their way to their own drama.
The Breakfast Club - well, because it's the truth. The Hughes teen theme moment culminates in Big-brain-on-Bri's contemplation of Vernon's essay request to explain "Who are you?". The journey of identity in one room, all day, on a Saturday tells us that we're all a Basketcase, a Princess, an Athlete, a Criminal and a Brain.
Cheers to you, Mr. Hughes.

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Those were the Big Four for me too, although it's been many, many years since I saw Pretty in Pink...time to check it out again. What about Some Kind of Wonderful? I'm seeing it pop up now in Hughes lists, but don't remember it at all (I must have seen it, though). Worth seeing now?
Oh Jeremy, SO worth seeing over and over and over again!
Esther, I am so glad that you, my big sis, introduced me to all these movies. I love them all. I could watch them back to back all day long and never get bored. I think the next time Jason is out for the night I will watch one of these.
Esther, I am so glad that you, my big sis, introduced me to all these movies. I love them all. I could watch them back to back all day long and never get bored. I think the next time Jason is out for the night I will watch one of these.
jer - some kind of wonderful is great. Hard to love after the Ringwald-Hall era but shortly after 3 viewings, or so, you forget about them... especially because of Watts. The iconic tomboy who actually is really a... princess.
Thanks, Dee... I'm just glad you put up with my insistence to see them! I do have some you could borrow it you like.
And, just a bonus comment... Went to our local video store and a John Hughes section had been set up right next to the new releases. It was totally awesome.
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Thanks, Dee... I'm just glad you put up with my insistence to see them! I do have some you could borrow it you like.
And, just a bonus comment... Went to our local video store and a John Hughes section had been set up right next to the new releases. It was totally awesome.
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