Having been exposed to 'shows' like
Big Comfy Couch and
Franklin, I felt compelled to choose a quality show for Birdie. Treehouse has its limits and I've reached mine - no, I'm well beyond. It's about time I woke up and remembered the declarations I made about TV prior to Birdie's arrival. As I have mentioned previously, I have had to recant many of my pre-parent ideologies. That said I think I might have been right about TV. I really don't like plunking the kid in front of it. I don't like most of the shows she zombies into. I have a few exceptions - like
Sesame Street and
The Backyardigans - which entertain me as much as Birdie. Although in general the zombie-zoner separates Birdie from me, her innate nature to explore and her ability to communicate post-viewing.
In efforts to sort out the balance and control the content, I purchased
The Muppet Show - Season One. We've worked through the first disc and laughed a lot. Birdie isn't sure why we're laughing so much but she's interested enough. The dialogue is snappy and fun. The muppets stand up (although Miss Piggy definitely got a do-over since this season) over the test of time. The only thing that leaves you a bit disengaged are the guests, most of which have disappeared over the last decades, and who are overwhelmingly gaudy in their costumes.
Until we find our way with what to do about the tube, we'll let Gonzo do his best to ring in the show.
# posted by tfoxfan @ 8:01 PM