Saturday, December 06, 2008

Following two very emotionally charged weeks at work due to an inexplicably unfortunate incident, and one week of catching up on the normal things at work and home - all the while dealing with the longest cold of all time - I've got the weekend alone at home. A and Birdie went to the Prairies for five days. A has cool documentary work going on that he's got to travel there for while Birdie gets to sneak a Granny/Papa/Auntie visit in. It's funny how the timing worked out after all the madness of November. It's like we all get a vacation from ourselves - our usualness.
I catch myself planning like Birdie is here. For example, I've got to eat this breakfast quick so I can... do what I want. Got to maximize this quiet moment on the computer so that... I can do what I want. It's very anti-routine while freeing.
It's 2:30 pm and besides sleeping in until 9 am - wow - I've cleaned the entire house, done a load of laundry, shaved my legs, took a shower, made plans with a friends, all the while I listened to some faves:like Radiohead In Rainbows, Arcade Fire Funeral, Depeche Mode Violator, John Coltrane The Gentle Side of John Coltrane, unpacked a few boxes, organized some closets and cupboards, written a blog, and drank a carafe of coffee. Yes, I have enjoyed my own distractions in between and rested a good deal as well. Not a worry there...
I do think this is therapy - being alone. Sometimes I forget how much I like me. I like being alone. I always have. I like being with A, and Birdie too. To tell you the truth I think they like me better when I have a little alone time though. Ultimately, it's good for us all.
Now, off to find a movie in the pouring rain with my umbrella. *Sigh*
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How did the rest of the solo time go, E? Sounded like an ideal start. I haven't often had that much time alone at home, but the last time it happened, I found that I had pretty much had my fill of being alone by about the fifth day. Missed my crew.
Jer, I went fantastic. Oh, the spa date was simply brilliant. Fourth day, I was done... bring me my best friend and munchie back, please.
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