Thursday, April 17, 2008
S'il vous plait

In light of my imminent return-to-work, my year off with Birdie, and our 15th anniversary - A and I have booked a our first real vacation with Birdie to Montreal, Quebec. We're thrilled about making the committment to a trip because our travel life must go on!
I realize now that it was a year ago that we traveled to Paris and Prague. Oh, what a delightful and dreamy trip that was... even if, no, especially because our luggage got lost and, now that I think of it, so did our train! That was the trip in which we started to really focus on the next stage of our lives - parenthood. That tour reinforced our committment to each other, our first baby and our lifestyle.
I anticipate that Montreal will be much of the same, only in a new direction. This time we'll be contemplating Birdie's future, our schedule(s) and again, revisiting our intentions for our lifestyle.
I anticipate that Montreal will be much of the same, only in a new direction. This time we'll be contemplating Birdie's future, our schedule(s) and again, revisiting our intentions for our lifestyle.
I love that we still get itchy feet, despite all the likely drama traveling with the babe. I must remember and repeat: adaptation, evolution, redirection, locomotion.
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Yay! We were just talking about Montreal this morning. We got a package in the mail from a friend there and were recalling our Ottawa/Montreal trip when Ivy was 14 months. It was awesome. And she slept awful, but so what?
I've got very itchy feet myself but can't seem to dream big. We can't even get it together to make a Vancouver trip happen these days.
I've got very itchy feet myself but can't seem to dream big. We can't even get it together to make a Vancouver trip happen these days.
I also have been thinking about Montreal and how I only saw it in 3-day chunks. How exciting for you 3!
- J
- J
A and I were talking about when you three went there and wondered how old Ivy was.
The day we purchased tickets we felt pretty happy and then really raw... like now that we're committed are we going to be happy and suck up the madness that follows? Yep.
The day we purchased tickets we felt pretty happy and then really raw... like now that we're committed are we going to be happy and suck up the madness that follows? Yep.
Too true. We were well on our way to realizing we were meant for each other although, still just getting to know each other as friends. We were reminiscing about how long ago that really was! I hope we rediscover something from those days while we're there. I'm sure the traffic will bring it all back :) Haha.
Too true. We were well on our way to realizing we were meant for each other although, still just getting to know each other as friends. We were reminiscing about how long ago that really was! I hope we rediscover something from those days while we're there. I'm sure the traffic will bring it all back :) Haha.
Enjoy the trip! Ryan and I had our honeymoon there, and I really would like to go back. We really found that James travelled well at that age - I hope the same for little Birdie. :) I keep thinking that we desperately need to do one more trip before James hits the terrible twos, and we are still with just one child. Wish us luck.
Thanks for checking in. I have heard that travelling with a child is easier when they are at this age. Regardless of age, I think travel with kids is challenging at the best of times. I'm of the mind - and granted I'm a new parent - that the more you travel with a child, the better they're going to be at it. I think that's why Birdie is such a good car traveler. Here's hoping for a free row both ways!
Good luck to the 3 of you wherever you go!
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Thanks for checking in. I have heard that travelling with a child is easier when they are at this age. Regardless of age, I think travel with kids is challenging at the best of times. I'm of the mind - and granted I'm a new parent - that the more you travel with a child, the better they're going to be at it. I think that's why Birdie is such a good car traveler. Here's hoping for a free row both ways!
Good luck to the 3 of you wherever you go!
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