Sunday, January 13, 2008



One month and not a post. Wow, must have been busy.

Birdie's first Christmas proved to be eventful. She did exceptionally well considering the overwhelming amount of Christmases that occured in the month of December. Unfortunately, both Birdie and I got ill during Christmas week. She fared better than I, albeit with a high fever at one point and a nasty little cough, since it took me nearly two weeks to really feel like I could go out and look presentable.

As we all know, being sick sucks. Being a sick, breast-feeding mom sucks even more. I realized that I recovered so slowly since I never got to sleep more than 3 consecutive hours (okay, there were a handful of 4 hour dreamy-sleeps peppered in there) at a time. Nevertheless, we all got through it alright.

Birdie is in blissful, development chaos right now. She never agreed to the bottle really, but took to a sippy cup with an expression like, 'Duh, Mom, this is easy'. So, that's a relief. Birdie is also really stoked about eating some real food, that is, if you want to call rice cereal real food. I think, as a result, she's become more dense. Seriously, my arms are yelling now when she wants to be walked around for a while. Ah, soon enough she'll be wriggling out of my arms and I'll be appropriately sad, so I'm happy to do it.

I must admit that the whole Christmas experience was a touch richer with the babe. I haven't been able to put a finger on why, but it is. For many years, I've felt that Christmas gifts for adults is frivolous and silly. Of course, I enjoy receiving gifts, but deep down, I struggle with accepting them since I don't need them. I enjoy them and am grateful for the generousity of my families, although I'd love them just the same if they didn't give them. I also struggle with the purchasing of gifts since I'm perpetuating that same feeling I struggle with. Anyway, all of that said, I was able to 'get over' those feelings this year since Birdie was on the scene. I certainly think that we'll be considering our approach to Christmas with the kiddo more sincerely as she grows older and becomes more aware of what's going on.

Anyway, the blur of the season is officially concluded. Gifts are in designated spots in our place, tree is off and chipped, colds are gone, and all the chocolates and candy are, unfortunately, consumed. Happy 2008 to you all!

"development chaos" sounds very familiar...I think Ezra is in the same boat, where so many things are changing at once that there's no safe haven of "normal" to return to. It's super cool to see the breakthroughs, but the process can sure be tiring.
Talking with Tan the other day was very reassuring for me since she confirmed what I had suspected, there is no clear next step to respond to the babe. The babe decides what he/she needs and when and then I need to figure out what that means. For example, Birdie used to want to be walked around ALL the time. Now? Put me down, sitting, and I'm stoked. Bug off, I'm independent, don't you know?

Oh dear, diva.
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