Sunday, November 25, 2007



It was a real treat to have A's mom visit this weekend. She came for three luscious days to drink in our wonderful Birdiegirl - who of course, has Granny wrapped around her wee finger. As a result of Granny's visit, A and I went out for our first time without the babe.

A had been making subtle suggestions to get out sans Birdie prior to Granny's arrival. I responded with agreeable mumbles although never really processed the idea nor committed to it entirely. Maybe it's strange for some to hear, but I simply had no burning desire to get out, feeling completely content to hang as a family since she's arrived on the scene. Okay, maybe there were a few occasions in which I'd long to go out with a friend for coffee or to sit at a pub without any limitations. When Granny arrived, I was just happy to have her around to chat with, watch her enjoy Birdie and alleviate some of the responsibility of caring for her.

On day three of Granny's visit, A mentioned it again that we could get out for a short date. Granny was certainly up to the task and so, we did it. As soon as we descended the stairs of our place, I realized I was excited to be alone with my hunny. We walked down to our favourite spot and I felt really light.

I like being with my husband alone, my best friend. I like that we still feel like us. I like that we couldn't help talking about Birdie throughout our date. I like that we were without the preoccupation of what Birdie needed at every moment. I like that we did something we like to do. I like being a wife to A.

Truly, I love my life.

Ooh, a date! Good on ya and thank goodness for Grannies. I love it when it's fun to get out and nice to come home.
Being along with one's loved one is fantastic. I see now how much I took that time for granted. We have had a few date nights too - but we are SO overdue for another one. Good for you for finally getting out!
Tan, you put it perfectly: 'fun to get out and nice to come home.'

Heather, we only realized once we got out how rich it was to do it. Now I think we'll be getting out more often :)
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