Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Loco Motion

If you hadn't figured it out already, I have quite a thirst for travel. Being married for 14+ years, A and I have traveled a fair bit. Now that Birdie is here, we have continued to travel, albeit so far just shorter trips and much closer to home. I've quickly discovered that my travel ways are quite deeply entrenched and as a result adapting to travel of 2 plus infant is... interesting.

Recently, we visited A's home and family in the prairies. I had a brainwave prior to delivering our baby in August that we should road-trip it there since (at that time) we had more time than money. We were packed up and ready to go and then, after a particularly tough day with Babe, we opted to check out flight prices. What luck, a Seat Sale! Yep, we flew and boy, were we relieved about that decision. We had done a couple of road trips with Babe of up to 500 kms and found that she traveled very well although it really took a long time with feeding and what not. There were many times in the following days that either A or me sighed out loud with relief that we were not driving. It was an unsaid understanding.

We loaded up the three suitcases and the car seat into the cab. Yeah, three full suitcases and a car seat. That is a lot of luggage for us. We have regularly done the trip home with only carry-ons. I tried not to think about it too much, commenting irregularly that with the kiddo, I wanted to be prepared for... whatever.

The flight there went extremely well. Birdie ate on departure and arrival, preventing the nasty ear-popping that babies (and adults) battle. We were warmly welcomed by Mom, Dad and Aunties and three suitcases minus the carseat.

Seriously, we already dislike the carseat (that's an entirely separate post), the last thing we needed was to need it and not have it. Westjet offered 'Smurfette' (a old school navy blue cuddle seat) as a loaner until our carseat was located and arrived at the airport. They did right by us by delivering it to our home in the country, where we did the exchange from Smurfette to our long-lost carseat.

While we were visiting, we were spoiled by friends and family and as a result, we got loads and loads of gifts. So, we needed... more luggage to get it home. A bought a MEC duffle bag to pack our loot and we were again, after 10 days, off to the airport. We had three exploding suitcases and a duffle bag and a carseat to check.

I swear it's the most luggage we've ever checked. We've travelled over 3 months at a time with less than what the duffle bag held. Ay-yaiy-yaiy. I got really annoyed with the packing of these bags, imagining where all of the stuff would go once we got home. *Sidenote - we arrived home 3 days ago and I'm still unpacking.*

Birdie had a rough time on this flight when we were landing, along with the chorus of babes going through the same unfamiliar ear popping saga. You know, I remember being a passenger prior to having a baby - I dreaded being seated by them. Ok, not because I didn't like babies, but because of the crying drama. Furthermore, A and I always checked in on the aisle and middle seat as close as possible to the front of the plane. Now, with a babe, we don't have the option to check-in online and we get put in the window near the back. Sure, we get on first, but we also get off last. What was that scriptural passage about the last being first? Is that going to help me somewhere in the scheme of things? Haha.

We got all our luggage - the three suitcases, the duffle bag and the carseat - and loaded up into the cab. The cabbie commented that he may not be able to take us because his trunk was only so big, but it all fit and were finally on our way home.

Two loads up the stairs later, we got home.

To me, travel is now loco motion. FYI, in Spanish, loco is "crazy". I'm admitting that my life, whether it be travel, excercise or otherwise, is now crazy-motion. Loco-moting from here to wherever, sleep-deprived, luggage-loaded, milk-drenched, half-sentences-speaking and... happy!

First off... I had a good laugh while reading your blog.
With each description of what you were experiencing, I too relive traveling with little ones. Only in our day, we did not have things as compact as you now have. Nothing was collapsible as you have these days.

We were driving a Camaro when you were a newborn, with a limited size trunk, and into there we had to fit a stroller, playpen, plastic cuddle seat that did not collapse, and that did not include the diaper bag and all our luggage. The reason for the playpen was so you had somewhere to sleep if we stayed at someone's house overnight. We did not have the cuddle seats, or the carry seats like you now have that fit into a stroller. Babies stuff took up all of the trunk space and our luggage had to somehow fit into the back seat. By the time we finished packing, there was no rear view window. Needless to say, we bought a van!
Come to think of it, we were not required to have a car seat for babies in those days. Babies slept on our laps as we traveled. That left more room in the back seat for luggage ( haha)

Love you,
Ha - you made me chuckle - imagine multiplying that by three and you have our scenario. We managed though to go on hike with all three of our kidos and we had a great time! Too cheap for the child carrier - I managed to MacGyver one of my backpacks into something we could transport our three year old. Enjoy your loco-traveling!
I love the way your title has taken on a new and appropriate meaning. Genius!
LOL! Yes, travel becomes so very different with a babe in tow. Imagine my complete distress while packing for a 5 week old infant to go from wintery Manitoba to summery Hawaii - and feeling like I hadn't a clue what I was doing. To top it off I was taking meds for a good case of postpartum depression, and well... so the story goes. When packing for James, I don't hold back for the sake of the amount of baggage. Ryan still balks at times regarding how much stuff such a little person requires, but I have yet to regret packing any of it. I think most of get used too! I'm glad you had a good trip. Your post also reminded me of Steve & Ang's trip to Hawaii last year with the three kids - OH MY! You cannot imagine how much luggage three kids require. It is nuts. I was inwarding thinking there must have been a way for them to cut down on the baggage, but I fear that I may find myself peering over a heap of bags someday too. All part of the fun. Imogene is beautiful. I'm sorry we had such a brief chat, but that is also part of the package! :)
When you leave the house even just for the day with children it seems like you have to "pack the whole house". Crazy isn't it? I remember our first trip to Ontario with Ella, I packed every particle of clothing she had cause I wasn't sure if she would be too hot or too cold. The in-laws do have a washing machine and dryer so I am pretty sure that I could have packed less.......A LOT LESS!! I was glad that I packed it all cause it eased my stress. I knew that there was no way I was unprepared!

Why were you driving a Camaro? Sooo impractical for life with a babe. I guess you were just kids though :). I must admit that at times I wish I could hold the babe on my lap. She feels so far away facing the back window and all. C'est la vie.

I try not to think about the crazy load it would be with more than one. Whoa!

Everything I packed for the babe got used. I could have considered though that mom-in-law had a washer and dryer to use at any time :)


I do try and be clever about this blog you know... That's why each post is so rich... haha... and why it takes so long to write one... Right!


Everytime we go to the Valley, I feel like we're going on this long road trip. I get why you bought a van with two (well, you do have J to think about too :))
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