Saturday, July 07, 2007

To me, today feels like the first day of summer after the last day of school. That's probably due to the fact that I finished work yesterday and the weather is screaming summer days. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the fact that I'm done work until baby arrives. The urge to nap in the middle of the day has been one I've battled quite a bit over the last two weeks of work. Although I didn't always feel it while working, I'm really glad I pushed through and worked until now.

The bonus of that summer holidays feeling is that Le Tour de France started today! Oh, how I love le Tour. I have to admit I've been annoyed with the fallout of last years tour because I had enjoyed the race so much. That said I'm into giving this year a 'clean' bill of health. I've got a special place in my heart for Oscar Pereiro for his valiant efforts last year. I know the jury is still officially out on Landis' win, but I see Pereiro as the winner. I just like him, he's a scrapper, a chachi and an underdog.

Today, Fabian Cancellara rocked the prologue time trial followed by a stellar second placement by Andreas Kloden. Cancellara may be podium bound this year, Phil Liggett has only been a fan of his for the last few years.

I love the sound of Phil Liggett in the morning. Who wouldn't love hearing Liggettisms every day?

No more wok!!! Hooray! Enjoy these last couple of weeks before babe arrives relaxing and enjoying your time with A! Happy afternoon napping! Only 18 days till your due date, I'm so excited to meet your babe!!!!!
Yay for holidays! How does that Monday morning feel - can you turn the work brain off? Put the feet up and bring on the naps and virgin margaritas with little umbrellas.
Thanks Dee and Tannis. I have not had a quick adjustment this morning to turn off work. I immediately went into autopilot and started thinking about stuff that needed attention... at work. But alas, I really don't care and so... it's turned off again!

woohoo! Liberated at last.
Bummed that we don't have Versus during the Tour...although I've been pretty impressed with their online coverage, at least for highlights, previews and interviews. Lots of focus on the Americans, of course, but the photography and production values are amazing.
The versus coverage is great although the commercials are insanely frequent. Angelo and I have been taping the show and then settling in to watch the stage later when we can fast forward through the Bowflex and Calgary Stampede ads.

I am just loving Fabian Cancellara!
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