Thursday, July 12, 2007




It's hot... I'm hot. Surprisingly, I'm quite content albeit hot. I can't complain really, because my first week off of work has been scrumptious so far.

Monday: I had a massage which definitely decreased the swelling in my feet and ankles. I also accomplished quite a few pre-baby errands which made me feel productive (a novelty at this stage of pregnancy).

Tuesday: I went to the pool for several hours... an outdoor pool nearby. The scene was straight out of Little Children, and I drank up every minute of sun and splashy, cool water. A and I attended our bi-weekly birth program and to our delight, a couple had given birth since our last meeting to a healthy and wee baby girl. Seeing the babe and the parents really choked me up in a happy way. It was also reassuring to see a wee newborn (six pounds nothing) because my sister gave birth to a nine pound 13 ounce (by caesarian section) babe recently. Meeting my lovely, yummy new niece was unforgettable, although visualizing me birthing a baby of her size got my heart rate up a bit.

Wednesday: Did a few more errands, watched Mystic River again (wow, Sean Penn is the master actor) and drank a lot of mint and lemon water on ice.

Each one of these days has been accompanied by a nap, le Tour, and reading books that tickle my fancy. I really am having a wonderful time.

Interestingly, I'm not in a hurry to have my baby. A lot of people look at me lately like "Poor you, in this heat". I appreciate the concern yet I'm really not unhappy about the whole situation. Every day is full of potential, you know, the arrival of my child is imminent. How can the sun spoil such a beautiful day with such massive wonder? I also love the anticipation of baby's arrival. I'm not one for surprises, but this labour won't be one because I've been expecting it for well over eight months now. Yeah, this part is fun.

Hang in there, friend. Sounds like you're doing fantastic. It's great to hear about your reflective space -- a post like this will be precious years from now.
I'm getting a lot of those sympathy looks as well. I figure why not enjoy this part? I'm going for gloriously cool swims every day and lounging at the beach - that's good living. I'm starting to let a lot of stuff slide (like housework) and am trying to savour the relatively mellow moments. I've had a few grouchy, impatient days but they're few and far between.

Seeing the difference between an almost 10lb baby and a 6 pounder must be hilarious!
You are a true inspiration E! My friend Karen gave birth last night to a 6lb 4oz baby girl - 2 weeks early! The difference in pregnancy attitudes is amazing between the two of you. More women should embrace body changes and being just plain ol' big! Best of luck to you in the next few weeks. I can't wait to hear about the 'big event'. :) Miss u! J
Thanks, Jer. It's been advantageous to have such an experienced and authentic preggy partner like, hmmm... Tan, to get me through.
The difference between the two newborns was... well 50% more baby! Crazy. I wouldn't mind something around a high six or seven pounder - that would be just fine thanks.
Thanks for posting - good to have you drop in. I'm glad to hear that Karen and baby are okay. Interesting... baby arrived 2 weeks early. I guess I'm in that window - weird.

Don't worry, you're on the 'need to know' list!
Hee Hee! Yes I birth massive children! I hope for your sake that babe is somewhere around the 7-8 pound mark! Only problem do I hold a baby that weighs less than a 3 month old without breaking it? I'm a little nervous! Kidding! Glad that you are truly enjoying these last couple of weeks before baby arrives.
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