Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Just as I had imagined, the post-vacation reality of the imminent changes ahead are sinking in. We're having a baby. ETA - 8 weeks from now. I'm getting big too, a bit clumsy and finding it difficult to maneuver around. Gotta love it when I leave a meeting (usually for a useless albeit urgent tinkle) and have to ask several people to move their chairs forward... no, a little more... and a wee bit more... thanks (grunt). I'm having fun with the size though and I am not bothered by it really. In fact, the shape of my body right now is simply fascinating - it just demands attention because does the baby grow so much while the skin, muscles, organs and fluids shimmy around it so effectively?
Anyway, I've got a few cool pregnant activities going on amongst all of this development, sighing and strange movements. One of these regular activities is being a part of the South Community Birth Program. The SCBP is one I was referred to by my doctor since she doesn't deliver babies. I really lucked into this program, which is comprised of both doctors and midwives to support women and their families to deliver healthy babies with as little intervention as possible. The combination of these professionals makes for a comprehensive approach, a comforting mix of education and experience, and an amusing 'love-in' factor. Part of being in the program is to participate in a twice-monthly support group of 10 women who are approximately at the same stage of pregnancy (and their partners/friends) to discuss specific topics that relate either to pregnancy, labour or after baby arrives. These topics are introduced by the doctor in an open facilitation style which is meant for educational purposes and are all up for discussion. For me, this group have proven to be really approachable and fun.
It's really strange to admit it, but I feel normal there. Before we attended the first session, I was nervous and apprehensive because I typically get that dreaded youth group feeling... that I'm going to be weird in the group. It's not an insecurity feeling, its an inability to relate feeling. Thankfully, I don't dread attending group every Tuesday night, in fact I look forward to it.

The other thing I'm doing right now and loving a lot is prenatal yoga. Yet another forum for me to feel normal, which I also feel there. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to hook up with some other mom-to-bes who live in my area of the city to hang with. The most delightful thing about yoga is the quiet of it. I'm greedy for the weekly practice and extremely protective of that time of the day. Between working and processing the baby's arriving, I feel forced to find quiet in my head. Yoga does that so completely. Although, the prenatal massage doesn't hurt either.
Anyway, I've got a few cool pregnant activities going on amongst all of this development, sighing and strange movements. One of these regular activities is being a part of the South Community Birth Program. The SCBP is one I was referred to by my doctor since she doesn't deliver babies. I really lucked into this program, which is comprised of both doctors and midwives to support women and their families to deliver healthy babies with as little intervention as possible. The combination of these professionals makes for a comprehensive approach, a comforting mix of education and experience, and an amusing 'love-in' factor. Part of being in the program is to participate in a twice-monthly support group of 10 women who are approximately at the same stage of pregnancy (and their partners/friends) to discuss specific topics that relate either to pregnancy, labour or after baby arrives. These topics are introduced by the doctor in an open facilitation style which is meant for educational purposes and are all up for discussion. For me, this group have proven to be really approachable and fun.
It's really strange to admit it, but I feel normal there. Before we attended the first session, I was nervous and apprehensive because I typically get that dreaded youth group feeling... that I'm going to be weird in the group. It's not an insecurity feeling, its an inability to relate feeling. Thankfully, I don't dread attending group every Tuesday night, in fact I look forward to it.

The other thing I'm doing right now and loving a lot is prenatal yoga. Yet another forum for me to feel normal, which I also feel there. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to hook up with some other mom-to-bes who live in my area of the city to hang with. The most delightful thing about yoga is the quiet of it. I'm greedy for the weekly practice and extremely protective of that time of the day. Between working and processing the baby's arriving, I feel forced to find quiet in my head. Yoga does that so completely. Although, the prenatal massage doesn't hurt either.
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So glad to hear that you are enjoying every stage of pregnancy! It is amazing watching your tummy grow each time I see you. The birthing program that you are involved in sounds fantastic. If something like that was offered where I live I definately would have jumped at the opportunity! You are going to be an amazing mommmy! I love ya!
Aw, thanks sistaD. It was neat at last program because we went around the room and shared one thing about the pregnancy that has surprised us the most so far. I knew pretty quickly what my answer would be, which was that I didn't think I could be so fascinated by the entire process! It is really so interesting and continuously engages me.
Me lvs U 2
Me lvs U 2
You're taking such good care of yourself - massage, yoga & supportive birth program. I'm delighted that your experience has been so positive!
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