Monday, March 05, 2007

I popped The Cranberries first album everybody else is doing it so why can't we? in last week. I couldn't believe it had fifteen years since that album was released. I only got into the band in 1994, when no need to argue was released. Driving to work and listening to the all-too familiar songs made me quite emotional - even to tear up. Okay, there may be some extra hormones involved here, but it was somehow poignant when Linger came on. The years of 1994 and 1995 flew through my mind like when you watch a movie of when a character is about to die and memories are displayed quickly like over-exposed postcards on the screen.
I remember when we went to see The Cranberries at GM Place for their third album tour. Not a stellar album, but quality nonetheless. Dolores was mesmerizing.
Listening to her, I realize that she was the last female vocalist I truly fell in love with. Previous to her, was (and remains on top of the list) Annie Lennox. Apparently, Dolores is about to release her first solo album since the Cranberries dissolution. I'll probably take the chance to hear her voice again, particularly in light of my recent trip down memory lane.
Ah, the cranberries. Funny that you mentioned it. Jer put a few songs on the mix he made for my roadtrip this weekend so I have a new memories to go with the old songs.
I did notice the shirt and thought it might be the one that I loved dearly. The one-size-fits-all proved itself worthy
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