Monday, March 19, 2007

K, let me back up here... yes, we've refrained from furniture purchases for 14 years. I don't necessarily take pride in that, but I do find it somehow endearing (can one be endeared to their own marital quirks?) and most amusing. We started out young and idealistic. I remember our first kitchen table was a large camper cooler. We used that for a while and although we knew it could be awkward in the event we would host guests, we didn't worry about it much. Soon enough, someone offered us a neglected card table to eat off of. I remember thinking it odd that the glass wouldn't rest all that evenly on the surface because card tables are puffy. Ah, it worked with a wee bit of jostling. We had our futon mattress on the floor for well over five years and never worried for a bed. Didn't have a TV until four or five years into our marriage and when we got one, we put it on two overturned milk crates, swiped from my mom's cafeteria with a flashy Guatemalan throw over it. And, a sofa? Well, there was 'the worm' - a hippie-built, (really, my parent's friends sewed it in the late 60s) cordeuroy "U" that had a separate long tube in the middle of the U that served us for eight years or so. The list goes on. Believe me, if you ask my parents, they'll be more than inclined to say they never felt all that 'comfortable' coming over to our place. I don't blame them, it's hard to get out of a worm or any variations thereof.
And now, with mini-tfox on the way, we're feeling like it's time to grow up - you know... be adults. I must admit that over the 14 years of making up living 'sustainable' environs, we're pretty clear about what it is that we need. Much to our parent's delight, we purchased a sofa they can get out of without asking for a hand. We also got a kitchen table that we love and have begun to eat food at. How civilized - no more food in our laps or on our shirts, burning the insides of our thighs.
We have come to recognize that we're going to be home a good deal and should be comfortable, practically. No, this does not include end tables or light fixtures from the ceiling or coat racks or welcome mats, but it does involve microfibre and clearcoat.
Oh, baby we're nesting.
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What, no wallpaper? It might be kind of cool to be able to get off the couch by yourself in a month or two!
My nesting seems to involve starting as many baby related sewing projects as possible. I'm still not sure why. Let me know if I should send some of the extra 20 blankets your way when I'm done.
*sigh* I miss the worm sometimes.
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My nesting seems to involve starting as many baby related sewing projects as possible. I'm still not sure why. Let me know if I should send some of the extra 20 blankets your way when I'm done.
*sigh* I miss the worm sometimes.
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