Sunday, October 15, 2006

Looking at my most recent half-marathon bib, I must concede that June was a long time ago. Since that victorious and indignant run, I've grown a lot. My heart continues to crave pain like only a 21.09 kilometre run can offer.
I recall during the run that a young woman, maybe 21 years of age, approached me at my snails' pace. It was in and around the ten kilometre marker, when she said 'hello'. I had seen her intermittently throughout the first hour and greeted her back. We briefly discussed the unusually hot weather and the lovely route unitl she got to the real purpose of her approach. She mentioned that ten kilometres was the most she had ever run and was concerned about whether or not she would be able to make the entire twenty-one-plus k's. I suggested it got easier although only under one condition. She asked what that condition might be.
I replied, "Embrace the pain."
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You make me a proud sista! To endure the pain of a 20+ km run is something to be extremely proud of! One day I will run with you. I say give me at least 3 years!!!!
I am so glad to see you blogging again!
I am so glad to see you blogging again!
Thanks for dropping by, deejaymom. I certainly crave the pain of the run like nothing else in this world.
I think we'll have a great run, whenever that may be. I only started training for 1/2's when I turned 30!
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I think we'll have a great run, whenever that may be. I only started training for 1/2's when I turned 30!
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