Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I think that the evolution of an artist is fascinating. Being married to one, I must admit the changes are at times subtle although other times it is pointed while swift and ultimately, compelling.

Besides the beautiful changes within my very own artist, I want to nod to my next-favourite, observable artist's evolution: k-os.

A few years back, I went to A&B Sound to determine whether or not I could still take a risk in a real CD purchase. I felt I needed to defy the increased music downloading and make a real purchase of a real piece of art (CD jacket and all, can you imagine!?) and so, I opted for K-os' Joyful Rebellion. Since that purchase, I've never looked back. K-os recently released Atlantis: Hymns for Disco and *mushes* Angelo bought it for me as a treat upon my return from the work-mall-abyss.

Let me walk you through my ten-step evolution of k-os:

1. Put in the k-os CD
2. Let the music play
3. Half-way into the first song, be surprised and interested
4. Tap feet, hands or nod in time with the music
5. Let the second song begin
6. Be surprised, again but in a different way
7. Wonder, by the end of song number 2, whether or not the influence is Bob Marley, John Coltrane, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Elvis or other. This will begin again after number ends and number 3 begins.
8. Turn the volume knob up
9. Tell another person about the k-os experience
10. Challenge the album's innovation during each play and be happy to acknowledge that it's really that damn good.

K-os is locomotion. He demonstrates an evolution of an artist which is exemplified consistently and gladly during each play.

Cheer up you Mothr Canuckrs, we've got a contender.

Maybe not at the same level as k-os, but I wonder if you might like some K'NAAN as well. Different style for sure, but there's something very authentic about his music. Give this one a listen if you're not already familiar with his stuff: http://audio.sxsw.com/2007/mp3/K'NAAN-If_Rap_Gets_Jealous.mp3
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