Monday, March 23, 2009
draw the line

For example... there is this fascination that I have (along with many other parents, I'm sure and most definitely grandparents) about whether or not she eats enough nutritious food. Birdie is a grazer, hands down. So, when she sits down and chows, it's a mini-event. Well, the other morning, Birdie woke up and instead of scooping around a bowl of cereal like mom ('ee too! ee too!'), she asked for 'noo-nose'. She had taken note that my bag lunch included spaghetti and she wanted in on it. My first reaction was "Huh? Noodles for breakfast?". Within a minute I thought through it and realized, that's a decent lot of food... why not? Birdie couldn't get enough - she just went gonzo for spaghetti breakfast.
Seriously, when did spaghetti get ruled out of the breakfast line-up? That's not fair, it's all good for a morning munch.
There are so many Birdie 'sieze-the-day' moments that I could miss because they aren't the norm. Like playing night-night right after waking up, eating pickles before bed without brushing your teeth, wearing momma's underwear like it's the most fashionable sash around, squishing a worm till it breaks in two, saying hello to creepy strangers, burping mid-sentence, hugging brand-new friends on the playground, organizing kitchen cupboards to ensure that crawly-spaces allow for a good deal of sneaking in and out, screaming very loudly with frustration, looking through peek-a-boo hands unrepentantly, wearing pajamas all day and jumping into the dirty laundry like a pile of newly raked leaves.
I wonder, how am I going to break it to Birdie that spaghetti isn't meant for eating in the morning? Maybe I won't... come to think of it... life is already so complicated. *Sigh*